Providing evidence to the judicial system to indict attorney and brother James Shaules of harassment using his position as executor of two estates violating his legal obligation to uphold decedents wishes, decades long stalking of two siblings and attempted murder
Greetings, my name is Michael Shaules
I have managed to reach a point where I feel I have enough evidence to convict my brother of stalking and possibly attempted murder over a fifteen year period. Also included is evidence of the same brother stalking my sister for twenty years. My brother James Shaules is an attorney based out of Monterey CA. The crimes were committed in San Diego, Monterey, Vallejo and San Pablo California.
James Shaules was executor of my mother’s, Alma Churcher estate three years ago and my sister’s estate one year ago. I filed a complaint with the bar and he was subsequently warned because of forgery in my mother’s estate.. I have a current complaint with the bar )number 220097 which I filed in 2/2024. I have called a few times, sent nine pieces of evidence of misconduct but with no results. On one call I was told the current complaint had been seen as more evidence on the previous complaint where he was warned of forgery in my mothers estate and a note was made on the complaint. The current complaint covers misconduct in my sisters estate. I am providing the evidence on this site which I provided the bar.
I managed to keep my brother at bay for many years with the threat of a restraining order after he attacked my life fifteen years ago. I never filed one as because of the affect it would have on our mother who was in her nineties, it was bad enough that I refused to associate with him for many years. It was only after her death that necessitated dealing with him that the attacks on my and my sisters life continued.
In the evidence tab you will find my letter of complaint detailing the misconduct we have encountered. I would like to note that because of his actions in both of the estates he has completely alienated all of his siblings some to the point of refusing to communicate with him. He has a reputation for being a manipulative, dishonest man who has zero regard for anyone else and I personally feel he sees himself as a smart attorney who can outsmart the law and one who is above the law when he feels he can use his position as executor to harass and remove the deceased wishes. This also includes details of his decades long stalking of my sister Adele who at this point is literally terrified of him as he forced his way into her life when it was made clear his actions were unwanted.
Early stalking and attempted murder
What follows is my personal account of events, There are some verifiable attacks but most of it was extremely devious, subversive and clandestine. Again his actions were so extreme nobody could conceive what I said was true. Since his misconduct in the two estates I have become EXTREMELY vocal about all his actions in my life including his death threat and subsequent attempt to take my life and am now taken seriously by my family because his attacks have become so blatant in settling the estates. I have challenged him to sue me for slander but ne knows that he would loose. Sueing him is an option but it does not remove his threat to myself and my sister. My desire and belief that he should be in prison is my main goal.
Fifteen years ago my brothers reputation within the family was very different. His actions were so extreme that any concept of a normal person doing these things would be unthinkable in normal society. It has taken me fifteen years and his continued decline in his delusional belief that he can do whatever he wants to do in others life to get to a point where family can now conceive of him doing what I have stated he has done. He used his reputation as a successful attorney to convince others that what I said was delusional, In fifteen years my story has never changed and I believe that my siblings can conceive that he did try to take my life.
As background I set high goals in my life and was succeeding and I firmly believe that it was out of a sense of competition and a desire to remain the most successful in the family that was at the core of the attack on my life. He made a concerted effort to make me homeless to humiliate me with my mother and family. I was my mothers favorite out of nine children and my siblings knew it. I feel that his mother issues were so extreme that it only added to his desire to destroy my life.
In my twenties I worked in Beverly Hills and asked God to show me how they achieved the success they did, met people like Michael Jackson and Mohammed Ali and realized I had potential. I successfully developed meditation techniques and applied what I learned. I went from security guard in my early twenties to successful regional corporate management and fifteen years of award winning community leadership in Azalea Park San Diego, owned my home had an amazing social life etc. I believe he was very jealous and realized I was continuing to succeed and make a name for myself,
I was having financial problems and was loosing my home. He ended up purchasing my home and this is when the real attack started. I found that he was focused on humiliating me with my neighbors and friends. My next door neighbor got tired of him berating me to the point where she would no longer communicate with him. I found him communicating with my friends, found their numbers in his phone. My possessions started disappearing from the house. I came home one day to find my desk literally chopped to pieces on the front lawn. When I was finally moving out he went to the friends in the neighborhood who were giving me a place to live and argued with them for an hour not to give me a place to live. They can be questioned on this. I realized quickly that the main reason he purchased my home was to humiliate me with my mother in how he harped on it.
I know that subject matter of the psychic realm and the occult is not something that the judicial system sees as valid. All I can say is that I feel that his behavior and attack come from what I would consider a person who believed in his ability to affect someone else’s life with their energy. What I experienced is beyond bizarre behavior from him. One time I rode my bicycle to a meeting fifteen miles to a meeting I had that nobody knew about. Upon leaving the meeting I found the handlebars to my bicycle off by ninety degrees, all of a sudden I picked up all this “you are crazy” energy coming at me. I instantly looked at the handle bar retaining Allen bolt and found tool scratch marks on the rusty area. I rolled my eyes and rode of. But that means he followed me fifteen miles to the meeting. I found that my possessions started disappearing from my friends where I was staying as the window was not securable. These events just went on and on.
Death threat and theft of two months of HIV meds in an attempt to kill me
Thirteen years ago I drove from San Diego and stopped at his home in Monterey on my way to Vallejo CA. He offered me the use of his desktop and he went to go see our cousin. I noticed a shortcut with my name on it and clicked. What I found was a file with a false document stating that I had stolen $5000 from my mother and derogatory pictures of myself looking very sickly taken secretly when we were together (I am HIV positive). Again I feel his occult perspective was that he could affect my health by focusing on pictures that made me look on death’s door in a belief he could kill me remotely.
I was furious, called him and told him to “get his ass home” and that I had seen the file. He was there within minutes, walked in the door an got within two inches of my face and tried to incite a fight. I backed up. He then stormed to the piano and proceeded to play the funeral dirge. I took it as a death threat because I knew he understood as an attorney he could not verbally threaten my life. I immediately left his house.
I ended up staying at a friends home who gave me the use of his detached garage while I was there. I had my life sustaining HIV meds prescription filled and left them in the garage. I found that they disappeared. I called my mother and she told me that he had called her and asked if she had my address in Vallejo and she gave it to him. I was angry she had, he portrayed himself as a concerned brother.
I was staying in San Pablo working on buying and selling some items. I had all my possessions in my Mercedes wagon. I went to the car one afternoon and found that the car and that most of my possessions were gone, with a window smashed and the tailgate lock ruined. My HIV meds were again gone. However I did notice that behind the drivers seat there was a small box with a few more meds in them. I left the car again and returned an hour or so later only to find that those meds were now also missing. I looked in a nearby trash can only to find those medications in the trash can. This made it clear to me that it was not a random attack but a targeted attack, I called the police and had them come out and filed a police report making a note of the medication issues.
His actions in his attempt to, as I see it, seek approval from my mother and have her see me as a homeless failure included referring to me as a worthless moocher. After my mother passed he slandered me by making false statements that I had stolen from my mothers estate to the family, incited angry behavior by my siblings towards me. My brother Larry will agree that he purposefully got him worked up with lies and false information to get him to call me and yell at me. I feel it is also highly likely he got my sister Patricia so worked up that she physically struck me.
In conclusion
There is no way for me to remember or relate to you all of the events that relate to the staling I have experienced In fifteen years. It is endless and severe and feel the need for protection from him. I bought a mobile home to live in just in case he found me so I had the ability to move instantly. None of my siblings will stand behind him. My sister is terrified of him. Please help. Thank you


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